Targeting the segment-specific learning outcomes, the teaching learning process in our New-Gen schools adheres to an academic framework that aligns to the development of 21 Century skills (4Cs, 2R)in children helping them learn to learn for emerging careers of tomorrow through proper reflective procedures in the classroom. A Program based on the CBSE curriculum connecting the local relevance to global thinking delivered through global teaching practices, offered in an environment conducive to learning with modern methodologies and a touch of technology to prepare thought leaders for the future through a gamut of curricular and extracurricular programs.The pedagogical processes are a thorough blend of global and local practices giving the student all that is required to become a global citizen and face the competitive national exams and board with ease.

”The Academic Platform extended through an Annual Curriculum Plan (ACP) includes educational practices that are very specific to us.

We implement individual components of our comprehensive ACP in a way that no child is left behind in the academic journey. The academic journey of the kids here is fun-filled and experiential in nature only to realise the big picture of mastery in learning.
By realising our segment-specific milestones of getting children Learning Ready at the KG level, Reading Ready at the lower primary level, Concept Consolidation at the primary level, Concept Application at the upper primary or the middle school level, we make sure that children get exam ready and career ready as they step into the board classes.
Our outcome-driven academic framework for the teaching learning process is a product of our design thinking process which paves way for a sound pedagogical strategy that works for the development of essential knowledge and skills in children. This strategy intricately weaves our instructional plans concept-wise for the core subjects and skill-wise for the languages.
Our instructional plans take inspiration from board specified guidelines as well as successful global theories and practices especially UBD i.e, Understanding By Design, UDL-Universal design for learning, multiple intelligences, Project Zero’s Thinking routines, art integration in core subjects, VITAL-Values integrated in teaching and learning and so on.
These create a great learning ecosystem for all the Velammalians to become happy individuals and help us achieve our segment-specific goals. Plugging of life-skill activities, activities to enhance study skills and courses to develop futuristic skills in our academic calendar help us celebrate our “Learning festivals” and “Project days” with excitement and extreme contentment whence our learners showcase the skills attained.
Most of our campuses have sprawling playgrounds for physical education needs and to prepare children for zonal and national sports events. Our recent venture into blended learning programs creates opportunities for students to take up scholastic and co scholastic courses online too.

Blending best of global and local education practices
New-Gen Schools
Nationally renowned CBSE curriculum delivered using global teaching practices.
Blended Learning
with exposure to newer technological tools for learning thereby preparing students for the future.
Regular Planned
student-led events in the annual academic calendar to develop the required leadership skills.
Inquiry-based interdisciplinary
approach for the right Learning connects with a small student-to-facilitator ratio.
Personalised & adaptive
formative assessment to equip students for the summative assessments and competitive exams.

Rigorous academics and individual support to compete in global new world
Vidhyashram Schools
Targeting the segment-specific learning outcomes, the teaching learning process in our Vidhyashram schools adheres to an academic framework which is again an outcome driven one but a strict PDCA(PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT) model targeting mastery in Learning. A program based on CBSE curriculum with emphasis on developing innovative minds and deeply engaging academics to prepare and ace competitive exams. Focus on holistic development with a choice of sports and extracurricular activities. Conventional yet structured pedagogical processes equip learners with traits for becoming a confident and happy individual. The academic rigour with right remedial procedures help students to progress steadily towards success in the board exams. Skills and character attained through the process equip them with self-learning techniques adequate to face any new situation in life. Following is the road map for the targeted mastery learning in our Vidhyashram students.
Emphasis on developing innovative minds & deeply engaging academics to prepare & ace competitive exams
process with structured lectures, well designed assignments and a touch of technology for sustained interest.
assessments to identify areas to strengthen towards mastery learning and plan coaching for NEET, IIT,CLAT,CPT aspirants.
Well designed
weekly club activities for the co scholastic domain towards talent identification and enrichment.
Active student
Engagement through Subject-specific approach with a highlight of cross-curricular links and use of specific thinking routines.

Building foundations for life-long learning
New Gen Kids
A three year program that nurtures the child to be learning ready focusing on the social, emotional, physical and cultural aspects through academic experiences .An interactive approach includes monitoring the child’s progress on a daily, weekly and end of thematic cycle.
Nurtures your child to be learning ready by focusing on the social, emotional, physical & cultural aspects through academic experiences
learning approach in a fun-filled and inviting environment which enables the child to be a unique independent individual.
Language & Literacy
skills are encouraged through songs, rhymes, stories, guided and independent reading activities along with traditional phonics program.
Learning materials
and experiences are provided to walk through the steps of engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate.
Programs & Games
help in enhancing children’s global citizenship. The G1 program prepares children for a smooth transition to grade class.